Post by Ondrej ZajicekPost by Alexander ShikoffSome days ago our IXP received a connection request from customer with 32bit
0:XXXXX - Do not announce route to peer XXXXX
0:MyASN - Do not announce route to all peers
MyASN:XXXXX - Announce route to peer XXXXX only
MyASN:MyASN - Announce routes to all peers. This community is
automatically added to all routes that are not
tagged with any of MyASN:XXXXX communities.
Post by Alexander ShikoffThe idea is to store high 16 bits and low 16 bits of ASN separately
65000:0x0003, 0:0x02D7 - Do not announce prefix to peer with ASN 0x000302D7
Then put a check of 65000:* in filter.
This could not really work. By old convention, if i would like to not
announce the route to peers 3, 5 and 7, i would add communities (0,3),
(0,5) and (0,7). But by your convention, if i would like to not announce
the route to peers 0x000201A3 and 0x000302D7, i would add
(65000,0x0002), (0,0x01A3), (65000,0x0003) and (0,0x02D7), But that
would also block announcing to 0x000301A3 and 0x000202D7.
Yep, I'm stupid.
Post by Ondrej ZajicekOne possible way to do that is not to try handle full 32bit ASNs, but
perhaps just ~ 24bit ASNs and use communities (65000..65255,*) for
"(65000+X,Y) - Do not announce to peer X*65536+Y" and similarly
communities (65256..65511,*) for: "(65256+X,Y) - Announce to peer
X*65536+Y only".
You're right.
If I remember correctly IANA currently allocates 1024 numbers for each
RIR, so your variant covers them entirely for some future years.
Some additional thoughts:
- this way breaks RFC1997 a little
- current draft "Internet Exchange Route Server" (
does not propose in details how to implement handling of 32bit ASNs
via communities.
- there is RFC5668 (4-Octet AS Specific BGP Extended Community, but it defines only 2 octets
for Local Administrator field. So BGP Ext. community support
will not also allow easy implementation of 32bit ASN handling.
I've googled around this problem and have not find yet another
ideas/discussions etc. So your way seems to be most easy and effective
at present moment.
Finally, what I have now... Policy:
---------------- Communities accepted from peers -------------------
* Communities affecting announces to 16-bit ASN peers
0:X - Do not announce route to peer X
MyASN:X - Announce route to peer X only
* Communities affecting announces to 32-bit ASN peers
6500X:Y - Do not announce route to peer 65536*X+Y
6510X:Y - Announce route to peer 65536*X+Y only
* Communities affecting announces to both 16-bit and 32-bit ASN peers
0:MyASN - Do not announce route to all peers
MyASN:MyASN - Announce routes to all peers. This
community is automatically added to all
routes that are not tagged with
MyASN:* or 6510X:Y communities.
RFC1997 community 'no-export' is also supported. Other communities
including RFC1997 well-known ones are not supported and stripped.
------------------- Communities sent to peers ----------------------
MyASN:X - Route is received from 16-bit ASN X
6550X:Y - Route is received from 32-bit ASN 65535*X+Y
And function (if someone is still interested):
function bgp_out (int peer_as)
int X;
int Y;
# Announce only BGP routes
if ! (source = RTS_BGP ) then return false;
# Do not advertise route with 0:MyASN community
# It is done for peers without no-advertise RFC1997 community support
if (0,MyASN) ~ bgp_community then return false;
# Check for 32-bit ASN
if peer_as > 65535 then {
# Get high 16 bits of Peer's ASN
X = peer_as/65536;
# Get low 16 bits of Peer's ASN
Y = peer_as-X*65536;
# Do not advertise route with 6500X:Y community
if (65000+X,Y) ~ bgp_community then
return false;
# Advertise a route with 6510X:Y community or with MyASN:MyASN community
if ( (65100+X,Y) ~ bgp_community ||
(MyASN,MyASN) ~ bgp_community ) then {
bgp_community.delete([ (0,0)..(65535,65535) ]);
if bgp_path.first > 65535 then
bgp_community.add((65500+(bgp_path.first)/65536, (bgp_path.first)-(bgp_path.first)/65536*65536));
return true;
} else
return false;
} else {
# Do not advertise a route with 0:peer_as community
if (0,peer_as) ~ bgp_community then return false;
# Advertise a route with MyASN:peer_as community or with MyASN:MyASN community
if ((MyASN,peer_as) ~ bgp_community ||
(MyASN,MyASN) ~ bgp_community) then {
bgp_community.delete([ (0,0)..(65535,65535) ]);
if bgp_path.first > 65535 then
bgp_community.add((65500+(bgp_path.first)/65536, (bgp_path.first)-(bgp_path.first)/65536*65536));
return true;
} else
return false;
# Do not advertise route in any another cases
return false;